Dictionary of Landscape Architecture and Construction (KTE0066)


Tác giả: Alan Jay Christensen

Số trang: 493 trang

Định dạng file: pdf

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Dictionary of Landscape Architecture and Construction

This publication represents research and analysis compiled, edited, and written by the author. In that effort, the following information may be helpful to the user for better understanding of this dictionary:

1. Words applicable to landscape architecture but most commonly understood are not defined within this work (i.e., water).

2. Most entries with multiple words do not have the words individually listed and defined so as to avoid redundancy and conserve space (i.e., crop coefficient, or cross connection).

3. Many conglomerate entries (multiple word entries) that are listed and defined as separate words and retain the given meaning of each word are not listed because the meaning is obvious with the meaning of each defined word (i.e., turf irrigation system).

4. Many words, such as definitions of abbreviations, have obvious and universal meaning with almost no variation from source to source. These are recorded without embellishment.

5. Many word definitions are modified, edited, or recorded from the standpoint of a landscape architect.

6. Definitions specific to the landscape industry that are less understood, or those affecting the health, safety, and welfare of people, plants, or other organisms are often expanded and expounded upon with more than a simple definition.

7. Words with the same definition that are commonly interchangeable are given identical definitions so that the user does not have to be referenced to another word before obtaining a definition. However, when there are interchangeable words or terms with one being more acceptable than the other, a reference is made from the less common term or word to the more common word or term for the definition.

8. Some definitions are newly recorded with no available references for gaining an understanding, but instead insight to the landscape industry and its evolving or new individualized jargon afforded the definition (i.e., setting heads).

9. The definitions in this work may be time-sensitive as meanings change over time and may also vary with circumstances. Care has been taken to provide the best definitive information available, understood, and researched by the author from his available sources at the time of writing. This document does not constitute a legal or binding list of definitions.

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